Learning centre support assistants Karen Oliver and Yusuf Hassan were so impressed with Andrei’s work ethic and enthusiasm that they decided to nominate him for the award earlier this year. They found him very reliable, able and an incredibly quick learner. He is also very helpful to his fellow students and often stays late to complete his work. He went over and above what was expected of him when he began his work experience last October and has even asked to continue working right up until the very last day of term.

Andrei has big ambitions for his future career. Originally from Romania, he learnt to speak very good English in just 18 months when he first came to live in the UK. He worked hard at school and chose to study business when he completed his GCSEs. He hopes to one day become a university professor.

“I have always had a love of learning,” he says, “it is a great feeling I get when I learn something new. It may just be a small nugget of information about something fairly irrelevant or something that could change the way I think forever. It doesn’t matter, as long as I learn something, that is what is important.”

Growing up, Andrei has always had a fascination with human psychology, history and politics. He follows current affairs, the politics of the USA, UK and Europe very closely and has read many books on historical political figures such as Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill, Charles De Gaulle and John F Kennedy. He also knows an awful lot about World War I and II and the American Civil War.

Andrei continues: “I want to improve myself and believe that studying and reading are far better for your development than spending all of your time looking at social media. I started here at level 2 and progressed onto level 3. Next for me will be a degree course but I haven't decided which subject yet. I have another year before I make that decision.

“I’ve loved working in this very dynamic learning environment and its great being surrounded by all of these books and learning resources. Next year, I plan to run to be the student union president and really go to town promoting this College as a ‘serious learning zone’ to my fellow students.”

Karen and Yusuf recognised Andrei’s potential very early on during his work experience programme. Karen says: “Although we have lots of fabulous students here at Greenwich, Andrei is certainly one of the most keen and willing learners I’ve ever met. His enthusiasm is infectious and other students seem to follow his lead. He’s simply great to have around.”

Yusuf says: “Not only does Andrei work brilliantly alone, he is also a good team member. He contributes very well-thought-out ideas and suggestions. I think he will go far in his career.  Look out for him in the future.”

If you think you have what it takes to build a successful career in a variety of different industries and sectors, we’d like to hear from you. We have a great range of courses to get you started. Come along to one of our open events.

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