Kim Nicholson, 17, from Greenwich, is currently studying the second year of her Level 3 Diploma in Business and joined the course after leaving school without a clear ambition of what kind of career to follow. In just over 12 months, she has been inspired to set up an enterprise selling t-shirts, hoodies, sweat-shirts, shorts and other designer accessories that are made from organic cotton and printed in the UK in a renewable energy powered factory.

After her success at the fashion show, Kim approached Karina Thomas (one of the College’s Engagement Officers, and founder of the Empower Project), for advice on taking her initiative further. Kim said: “I decided to post pictures of my designs on my Instagram account and received 15 enquiries in just one day. By day two, there were 36 and as the days went on, there were lots more. I just knew I had to get something off the ground soon and start selling my designs.

“I approached Karina for advice and she recommended I start to market my work online and via my own website. She gave me lots of great tips and links to printing and manufacturing companies and encouraged me to do some research of my own. Over the summer, I and other family members launched the website ‘Novus Fashion and work with Teemill to manufacture our products.

“This all happened very quickly for me. In June I entered my designs in to the fashion show, not knowing I was going to do anything with them until then. Before this, I was the winner of the College’s Young Entrepreneurship competition. Now in September, within three months of the show taking place, I have my own business.

“I think I’ve found something I love doing and really want to continue with it once I leave College. When I first came here, I was low on confidence and didn’t really have a clue what I wanted to do or achieve in life. Although I’ve always loved producing art and designing things, I didn’t know how to apply my talents and make a living out of them. I chose the business course because I thought it would give me some direction and open up lots of different options for me. I wasn’t wrong - it has done just that and lots more too. I now have the confidence to speak up and be heard and to take on every opportunity offered to me.

“The only way to experience personal growth and satisfaction of self-achievement is through taking chances. Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity.

Karina and her team colleagues are delighted with Kim’s success so far. She says: “The Empower Project was set up in the College as part of its Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) strategy that is aimed at tackling inequality and promoting diversity. The fashion show was one of the activities I designed to give students unique opportunities and experiences that are confidence building and empowering whilst giving students a platform for their work to be showcased and their talents to be recognised.  Kim has shown incredible drive, motivation and entrepreneurial flair and her confidence has soared during this process. We are all very excited by what she has achieved so far and can’t wait to hear of all the wonderful things she will accomplish in the future.”

If you think you have what it takes to be successful in the world of business and enterprise, we’d like to hear from you. We have a great range of courses and specialist tutors to get you started.

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