During the month of February, a host of events and activities took place across our campuses to highlight the history and celebrate the achievements of LGBTQ+ communities, and share perspectives on LGBTQ+ inclusion.

Staff and students attended awareness workshops and badge-making workshops, creating their own pronoun and identity badges. Information displays were also presented in campus foyers, showcasing LGBQT+ champions and trailblazers from the past.

Taking place on the final week of LGBT+ History Month, our Bromley Campus welcomed three external guest speakers who delivered a one-hour discussion panel to an audience of staff and across all campuses via live stream:

Andreena Leeanne – a Black, working-class lesbian, poet, workshop facilitator and motivational speaker

Fox Fisher – a brown, queer, pansexual, non-binary and trans masculine artist, author and filmmaker

Chloe Green – a campaigner, facilitator and comedian and a trailblazer for the LGBTQ+ community

During the panel event, Andreena, Fox and Chloe collectively shared their personal experiences as members of the LGBTQ+ community, discussed signs of positive change and shared important lessons from history, whilst also touching on the progress toward equality that we have achieved so far and the work we still have left to do:

“Young people are less interested in wanting to box themselves in. They don’t want to put a name on it. That’s progress.” Fox Fisher

“I’ve seen how young people are so brave to be their authentic selves.” Andreena Leeanne.

“I think it’s important to teach young children about LGBTQ+ issues. So then it doesn’t become an embarrassing or taboo topic.” Chloe Green

The three guest speakers were also joined by one of our students, Noah, who also shared some insightful advice: 

“Don’t think you owe anyone to come out. It’s in your own time. It can take days, weeks, months, years. Just make sure you’re comfortable.”

Leah Stone, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer at London South East Colleges says:

“By running these events and providing resources, information and support, we hope to promote awareness and understanding to create a safe and welcoming environment for all our staff and students, as well as to help improve LGBTQ+ Equality within the College, local community and beyond.”