When asked why she chose to carry out her apprenticeship at Bromley Trust Academy, Phoebe commented, “I didn’t really enjoy mainstream school and neither do a lot of the kids here. I like the fact that it doesn’t feel like school - the children have more freedom and are allowed to play and have fun. They learn at the same time, but I prefer it to mainstream school as it’s not as structured and there are less than ten children in each class.”

Every day, Phoebe has the chance to deliver direct, one-to-one teaching through activities that she has planned and facilitated herself. As an apprentice, she takes part in weekly planning meetings with the rest of the staff, making a valuable contribution to that week’s learning.

“I really feel like part of the team now,” Phoebe says. “I feel valued and I love learning while I work. I often see the theory I have studied put into practice and I feel like I am supported to create activities that help with my coursework.”

As part of her course, Phoebe has been assessed on subjects such as learning and development, technology and safeguarding. She has also been able to provide practical examples of how these topics are utilised in her day-to-day work.

Georgina Queeley, Deputy Head of Bromley Trust Academy Midfield said, “It has been great to develop a strong relationship with the college. Our apprentices feel really supported and it has been rewarding to see them working directly with pupils and developing their practical teaching skills.”