We are working hard in advance of Monday 8 March to prepare our campuses for all students and staff to safely return in a phased way. This will include the same social distancing measures we successfully implemented last term, well ventilated classrooms and use of face coverings. 

In accordance with Government guidelines, we are setting up Covid-19 testing areas to ensure that all students and staff can access lateral flow tests before returning to campus.

These are complex preparations but our staff are committed to ensuring students can return to college safely and continue with their studies. We are keen to reassure students and their families that we are doing everything we possibly can to ensure all parts of the college are Covid-safe.

It has been a challenging year for us all but we are very hopeful that the return to college very much marks the beginning of a return to our normal lives over the coming weeks.

Please note: We are asking all college users to wear a face mask or covering in all communal areas, including classrooms, offices, workshops, studios and salons. This is for the remainder of this (Spring) term in line with Government guidance.

Please click here for further information about our plans to return to face to face teaching