Lucy first came to London South East Colleges to get help preparing for an apprenticeship. After her first application and interview for a job were unsuccessful, she was advised by the College to enrol for a traineeship in order to give her more employability skills and interview techniques. The College also found her a stunning work experience with the Trust and this has now been converted into a full-time apprenticeship post.

Dame Kelly Holmes Trust is a charity founded in 2008 by the double Olympic champion to support athletes and use their skills and experience to help transform the lives of young people facing disadvantage between the ages of 14 and 25 through mentoring programmes. So far, the trust has made an impact on over 300,000 young people and supported over 400 athletes.

Lucy says: “I 'm really grateful to be working here. My colleagues made me feel so welcome when I first arrived and have given me so much support. I’m so lucky to have this as my first ever full-time job.

“My tutor at London South East Colleges, Kate, is very much to thank for all of this. She helped me prepare and gave me so much confidence. She is absolutely brilliant.

“I would like to become an accountant or financial manager and I'm now studying for an AAT Level 2 qualification at College. I am putting the same effort into achieving this qualification as I am into the work I do at the Trust."

Lucy’s supervisor and line manager is the Trust’s Head of Finance, Kamal Chadha. He says: “At first, I was a little apprehensive about taking on an apprentice. I wasn’t sure we’d find someone for the type and amount of work we get through. But, as we are in the business of helping to create opportunities for young people, I decided to give it a go.

“London South East Colleges sent us two very good candidates for the post and it was difficult to make a choice. In the end, we were very impressed by Lucy’s answers and preparation and she interviewed very well. She works hard, she listens, she learns and always meets deadlines. She is also very popular with her team. I now entrust her with more responsibilities and she has become the first point of contact for athlete invoicing.”

Lucy is taking advantage of one of the many ways into employment and a career of her choice. Why not do the same?

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Related link: Apprenticeships and Traineeships