The ‘My Hospitality World’ initiative, supported by Maitre D, Fred Sirieix (best known for his starring role in Channel 4’s First Dates), aims to inspire young people to consider a career in the sector.

The campaign will focus on a special week in August (w/c 13th), in which hospitality businesses across London will open their doors to the public. They will be offering a range of ‘backstage’ tours, presentations and job shadowing opportunities – to demonstrate what’s on offer and spot future talent.

Spearheaded by the Institute of Hospitality and London South East Colleges, the pioneering project has support from the College’s extensive employer forum together with the Career Colleges Trust. Businesses involved so far include: D&D London, Park Plaza and O2 Continental plus many more.

Anyone interested in finding out more about the industry will be able to book places on the many tours, skills events and talks being offered by clicking here.

Director of London South East Colleges’ Hospitality, Food and Enterprise Career College, Gary Farrelly, says:

“We are delighted to be co-ordinating this important initiative. As a college working so closely with employers, we recognise the huge skills shortage being faced by the hospitality industry – and indeed the many opportunities that this offers our students and other young people.

“Perception of the hospitality industry is often that of low pay and long hours, but we are keen to change this outdated image. The reality is that hospitality offers many dynamic, exciting and rewarding careers – and we want to attract lots more talented young people into the sector."

Peter Ducker FIH, Chief Executive of the Institute of Hospitality, adds:

“As the professional body for the hospitality industry, our purpose is to promote hospitality management through lifelong learning. We want to encourage and support people to embark on a career path in this exciting industry and the ‘My Hospitality World’ initiative will help us to achieve this.

“What better way to celebrate and showcase an industry than the employers themselves opening up their doors and inviting future employees to see what’s on offer. We are confident that we will successfully inspire the next generation of chefs, hotel managers and restaurant owners – ensuring a bright future for the nation’s hospitality industry.”

Backing the campaign is top Maitre’D, Fred Sirieix, who features on the Channel 4 TV show First Dates. Adding his support, Fred says:

“Come join the world of hospitality, explore new horizons and a career that will give you the skills and knowledge to enable you to work around the world.”

It is hoped the initiative will expand over the coming years, becoming a national programme and giving young people around the country first hand insight into the world of hospitality.

In the news: You can fly high in the hospitality sector and soar from front-line worker to top boss (The Sun)