Chair of London South East Colleges, Stephen Howlett DL OBE welcomed the Minister and introduced her to the Leader of the London Borough of Bexley, Cllr O’Neill OBE and the Chief Executive of the London Borough of Bexley, Gill Steward.

The Minister was then taken on a tour of the college campus to meet students, apprentices and tutors, and to observe a number of lessons and activities. This included a short performance by the college’s SEND students and a tour of #ThePlatform - a pioneering new creative hub and Mac suite.

Students invited the Minister to take part in some ‘have a go’ sessions and she was interviewed by media and TV production students Selina and Callum. This was broadcast live on our student-led TV channel. Finally, a plaque was unveiled by the Minister to mark her visit and declare #ThePlatform officially opened.

Addressing students and staff, the Rt Hon Anne Milton MP said: “It is fantastic to meet such motivated and talented young people, who are benefiting from the great opportunities and state-of-the-art facilities on offer in Bexley. Students attending London South East Colleges are very well supported to get jobs or apprenticeships after their courses finish, as they are the learning skills that employers need.

“As we know, Further Education is vital for skills, jobs and community; this is evident from my visit today. I congratulate the Principal, the staff and students on the excellent work being done here and especially for their enthusiasm and passion."

Speaking at the event, Chairman of London South East Colleges, Stephen Howlett, said: “We are delighted to have had the opportunity to host the Minister today and show her the work we are doing here in Bexley. Since the formation of London South East Colleges almost two years ago, we have worked hard to transform and develop the education offer – making it the leading provider of post-16 vocational training in the region.”

Also attending the event, Cllr O’Neill OBE, Leader of the London Borough of Bexley added: “It is great to see the innovation and development that has taken place at here over the past two years – which has ensured that the college is more closely aligned with the needs of the Local Authority, our residents and the local economy.
“We look forward to developing the new Place and Making institute with London South East Colleges and Peabody and we are delighted to have had this opportunity to discuss our plans with the Minister here today.”

In the news: Skills Minister @AnneMilton pays a visit to London South East Colleges Bexley (FE News)

In the news: Skills Minister pays a visit to London South East Colleges Bexley (AoC LondonColleges)

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