Nadal Francisco (17) is studying for a certificate in personal and social development at London South East Colleges’ Bromley campus. He was one of four students to attend a special sports inclusion day in half term, which was hosted by the Crystal Palace Foundation.

Following this event, Nadal produced a short film about it for his portfolio. The Crystal Palace TV media crew were so impressed with this work that they invited Nadal along to the training session and press conference as part of his work experience.

Ex-Crystal Palace Ladies Football team player, Roxanne Bennett, help to arranged this activity with Crystal Palace Foundation. She has also set up free football sessions for our SEND students which take place every Wednesday at the Bromley campus.

John Cumberbatch, College Activities Co-ordinator at London South East Colleges said,

“It’s a rare opportunity to be invited to watch a premiership side train and attend a press conference with Sam Allardyce! Nadal has been a superb ambassador for the college, making a great impression from the outset. He’s since been invited back to film at the club’s training ground.”

Related link: Special Educational Needs (SEND)