The six-week employability and personal progression programme aims to inspire students who have dropped out of college, or who may have ‘missed the boat’ after leaving school last year, to find a suitable career pathway in a subject or vocation that interests them. Instilling confidence and self-belief, resilience and awareness are critical to the success of the project and the 30+ participants who form its first cohort.

During the first three-days of motivational sessions, former UK athletes, and Dame Kelly Holmes Trust Mentors, Suzanne Miller (a champion badminton superstar achieving a haul of national and international accolades) and Claire Bennett (individual and team gold and bronze medal winner at the 2010 Commonwealth Games and England fencing team captain) kicked-off the programme with a range of activities to test the students’ resolve in problem solving, teamwork, communications and decision-making.

Suzanne told the students: “This programme is all about your self-development; practicing and homing in on your social, employability and personal skills to give you confidence and vision. It will enable you to work collaboratively with one another, give respect and to ‘think on your feet’. You’ll certainly be put through your paces, be given lots of encouragement and guidance in order to get you ready for the next important steps in your life.”

Former level 3 engineering student Robert Tyler, 18, dropped out of his course after discovering it wasn’t what he’d expected. He said: “I was disappointed that I’d simply chosen the wrong subject. I left the course and was immediately at a loose-end. The College contacted me to invite me to take part in this project and I jumped at the chance. So far, it’s been lots of fun and I’ve made some new friends. The challenges are exciting and certainly release the endorphins.”

Alexandra Davidson, 19 from Beckenham has already completed levels 1 and 2 public services, and was part-way into the first year of her childcare course before leaving to take up extra hours of bar work. She now aims to reignite her ambition to become a childcare professional but wanted to take part in a brief ‘confidence-booster’ course before taking up a childcare apprenticeship. She said: “I suppose I’m using this course to get me back into learning mode. I’ve been away from it for a year and I know that my best chance of achieving my dream to work with young children can only be realised by knuckling down to some hard work and study.

“What I really need is stimulus and reassurance and I’m getting that already. It’s lots of fun and I’m thoroughly enjoying myself. In fact, I’m actually picking up quite a few skills that will be useful for stimulating and engaging children in their learning.” 

Jamie Rice, 17 from Swanley, completed level 1 of his electrical installation course but found level 2 was too theory based and wanted to proceed with a more hands-on method of learning his trade. The College has found him an apprenticeship with FBS Electrical Services, based in Sidcup, which he will begin after obtaining his CSCS health and safety certificate. First, he aims to take part on the programme and gain a Level 2 Digital Skills qualification.

Jamie said: “This programme will help me to get lots of employability skills and prepare me well for work - it’s something that I need to help me make a good start to achieving my level 3 apprenticeship qualification. I’ve never been one for sitting at a desk in lessons - I’d rather be on my feet learning a trade by actually being in a real work environment.”

Lucy Smethurst is the College’s Getting Back On Track Project Manager and is delighted with the project’s initial launch. She said:“This is the pilot and we have poured lots of work and resources into making it a success. In September, we aim to roll out the project to our Bexley and Greenwich campuses and then into Lewisham and Southwark next year. 

“Obviously, the future of this initiative depends on the success we have this year and we are going all out to make sure everybody taking part succeeds in progressing onto higher level courses, into suitable apprenticeships or directly into full-time employment.”

If you think you have what it takes to be successful in a career of your choice but feel you need more advice and guidance before taking your next step, we’d like to hear from you. Come along to one of our open events